all postcodes in CV3 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV3 4AA 9 2 52.395917 -1.495217
CV3 4AB 1 1 52.397923 -1.497918
CV3 4AE 36 0 52.396154 -1.494009
CV3 4AF 16 0 52.395499 -1.494266
CV3 4AG 19 0 52.395069 -1.494506
CV3 4AH 30 0 52.394428 -1.49397
CV3 4AJ 53 0 52.393373 -1.493262
CV3 4AL 1 1 52.394143 -1.494502
CV3 4AN 1 1 52.396027 -1.491453
CV3 4AQ 1 1 52.391838 -1.483316
CV3 4AR 9 3 52.391395 -1.486848
CV3 4AT 21 0 52.389982 -1.486526
CV3 4AU 35 0 52.390489 -1.487402
CV3 4AW 26 0 52.388687 -1.482339
CV3 4AX 29 0 52.389247 -1.484904
CV3 4AY 35 0 52.389588 -1.484915
CV3 4AZ 36 0 52.388973 -1.481924
CV3 4BA 48 0 52.386647 -1.478469
CV3 4BB 32 0 52.386303 -1.478126
CV3 4BD 1 1 52.386332 -1.486569